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Rabbit supplies include cages and cage accessories, food, toys and litter boxes. There are a wide variety of rabbit cages on the market and more on this subject can be found in our section on “Rabbit Cages.” Your pet rabbit’s diet is the next most important thing to consider and since they have a rather complex digestive system, it’s very important they receive the proper diet. Your house rabbit should be eating a diet that includes hay, pellets and fresh vegetables. Bunny rabbits should have access to hay at all times because it aids their digestive system and provides necessary fiber. Hay also helps prevent hair balls, diarrhea and obesity. Rabbits prefer Timothy grass hay. Alfalfa hay can be given in small quantities only because it is high in calcium, protein and calories. Pellets should be given only as part of your bunny’s diet and try to purchase Timothy-based pellets. Fresh vegetables such as dark green lettuces, collard greens, endive, dandelion greens and carrot tops can also be part of your rabbit’s diet. In spite of widespread believe, whole carrots should only be given as an occasional treat as they are too starchy. Never feed your rabbit candy, chocolate or foods high in carbohydrates, such as breads. It is a good idea to give your bunny an occasional treat such as apples, blueberries, strawberries, raisins or specially made bunny treats. Also make sure your rabbit has a fresh supply of water at all times.

Chewing is a natural part of a rabbit’s behavior, so they will need lots of chew toys in order to not be destructive to furniture. Some suggestions are untreated blocks of wood, cardboard, willow wood bowls, balls and rings, old phone books, paper-towel and toilet paper rolls or other chewable cardboard objects. Specially made chew toys for bunnies can be found online or in specialty pet stores. Avoid giving your rabbit anything with sharp edges or loose parts and do not give them toys made of rubber that they could tear up and swallow. The most important thing to remember is that chewing and digging is your rabbits natural instinct, so yelling or reprimanding them does not work. Rabbits will respond much better to being praised for good behavior, so do praise and pet your rabbit when it chews acceptable objects - like a cardboard box. Basically, all of this chewing and digging is a grooming habit because it helps wear down bunny‘s teeth and claws, which are continuously growing. You cannot declaw a rabbit, so occasionaly trimming of nails will be necessary.

Just like cats, pet bunnies will need a litter box. You can place a litter box in its cage, especially at first to encourage use of it. If you let your rabbit out to roam through your house, you should place several litter boxes in multiple rooms. Most rabbits enjoy spending time in their litter box, so make sure it’s large. Good choices for litter include newspaper, organic litter made of paper, wood pulp or citrus. Avoid clumping, dusty kitty litter and wood shavings, especially those made of cedar or pine. There are lots of resources for rabbits supplies online. Specialty pet stores should also carry a line of rabbit supplies or ask your veterinarian for ideas.


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